Monday, March 31, 2008

so anyway

so anyway...i hear that someone (geoff) has issues with pople not posting do i! the probelm is, some people don't have really interesting lives like some people do....for example, here is what happnned at Frodo & Lilo's (fritos) house this weekend...saturady morning, we went to a homeowners association meeting, where we learned how to be nosy neighbors, then in the afternoon we went to the last puppy class (graduation)...after that, we hooked up with Z, Scratty, Ash and Karl and took a tour of their new house (which was realy nice)....we then went to the Blaze game (arena football) with Scarlet and "the maker" was cool to hang out with them, but the game sucked.....sunday was the usual...wake up, church, watch nascar, nap....altho, this sunday we went to g-ma's and saw the huggy nephew as mentioned on bebo girl's blog...we even saw bebo's girl too....anyway...hope this is sufficient.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You didn't really think you were heading to a "great game" that day did you? lol I mean really. What game is "great"? Bad game aside, it was fun seeing you guys Sat. ;)